Solve mixed skills word problems about the dinosaurs of the new movie Jurassic World Dominion.

Find the measures of center of data about a Viking settlement in 900 A.D.
Videos (3)
Skills Sheets (4)

Use transformations on a coordinate plane to learn how social media filters are made.
Videos (1)
Skills Sheets (5)

Find percents related to investing in businesses from the CEO of Me & the Bees Lemonade.
Videos (2)
Skills Sheets (3)

Analyze a pay slip for a teen with a surprising summer job.
Videos (2)
Skills Sheets (3)

Analyze statistics about rollerblading.
Skills Sheets (2)

Make financial decisions based on a fun illustration of a day at a carnival.
Skills Sheets (1)

Read a short article and solve a two-step equation problem about Title IX.

Read a short article and solve a data analysis problem about dogs in a language study.

Read a short article and solve a data analysis problem about dogs in a language study.

Use the order of operations to learn about Shohei Ohtani.