“It all started with a trip to the orthodontist,” says Kaylynn “Kakes” Martin, founder and CEO of Kakes the Great Popcorn Company. Kaylynn learned she would need braces and surgery. But the pandemic had shuttered her mom’s beauty business, and money was tight. To help, Kaylynn decided to start her own business.
She began by asking herself, “What do I like? What do people like?” And it came to her: popcorn! But back then, Kaylynn only knew how to make microwave popcorn. She laughs, “I didn’t know how to make it on the stove. I didn’t know how to make anything!” She taught herself with online videos and recipes.
Kaylynn eventually developed her own secret recipes and began cooking kettle corn in her kitchen and selling it to friends and family. Today, Kaylynn sells flavors like Myrtle Turtle and Black Girl Magic in her mom’s reopened shop, at a local marketplace, and online.