CCSS: 6.EE.A.2.C, MP2, MP3, MP6

TEKS: 6.7A

Creative Coder

Sasha A. Alston works to get kids excited about coding

Allison Shelley/AP Images for Scholastic

When Sasha A. Alston was 16 years old, she interned at Microsoft and fell in love with coding. Her team built gaming apps, and she made social media accounts to promote them. “I like that you need to add creativity to coding to bring projects to life,” she says.

But in her computer science classes and at coding events, Alston didn’t see many people who looked like her. Very few women or Black students were learning to code. That’s why, at 19 years old, Alston self-published her first book, Sasha Savvy Loves to Code, in 2017. The book’s main character, 10-year-old Sasha Savvy, goes to coding camp with her friends and learns how to create cool computer programs.

Sasha A. Alston fell in love with coding at age 16. She was an intern at Microsoft at the time. Her team built gaming apps. Alston made social media accounts to promote them. “I like that you need to add creativity to coding to bring projects to life,” she says.

Alston took computer science classes and attended coding events. But she didn’t see many people who looked like her. Very few women or Black students were learning to code. Alston decided she wanted to change that. In 2017, at age 19, Alston self-published her first book. It’s called Sasha Savvy Loves to Code. The book’s main character is 10-year-old Sasha Savvy. Sasha goes to coding camp with her friends and learns how to create cool computer programs.

Courtesy of Sasha Alston

Alston hopes her book will inspire kids to become coders!

Before writing the chapter book, Alston visited her local library. “I read things like the Junie B. Jones books to help me get inside the minds of my audience, 7- to-10-year-olds,” says Alston. She also drew on her own experience of going to coding camp when she was in high school.

Alston submitted her book to agents, but they rejected it. “I was discouraged, but I didn’t give up,” she says. At her mom’s suggestion, Alston wrote a list of reasons she believed the book was needed. “That gave me the motivation to keep going,” she says.

Eventually, Alston decided to publish the book herself. She raised $18,000 through an online fundraiser. “It was amazing,” says Alston. “It showed me that this book was truly needed and that people were inspired by my story.”

Before writing the chapter book, Alston visited her local library. “I read things like the Junie B. Jones books to help me get inside the minds of my audience,” she says. She also remembered her own experience of going to coding camp in high school.

Alston submitted her book to agents. But they rejected it. “I was discouraged, but I didn’t give up,” she says. Alston’s mom suggested she write a list of reasons the book was important. “That gave me the motivation to keep going,” says Alston.

Eventually, Alston decided to publish the book herself. She raised $18,000 through an online fundraiser. “It was amazing,” she says. “It showed me that this book was truly needed and that people were inspired by my story.”

Today, Alston continues to promote STEM by visiting schools and inspiring students to learn how to code. In doing so, she’s building a coding community of friends and mentors. “TV shows and movies make it seem like people create coding projects alone, but that’s not the case,” says Alston. “I hope my books will inspire kids to be creative and tackle problems they care about together.”

Today, Alston visits schools and encourages students to learn how to code. She hopes to create a coding community. “TV shows and movies make it seem like people create coding projects alone, but that’s not the case,” says Alston. “I hope my books will inspire kids to be creative and tackle problems they care about together.”

On a separate sheet of paper, use the MATH++ programming language to write code to evaluate the following expressions. Record your work and answers on our answer sheet.

On a separate sheet of paper, use the MATH++ programming language to write code to evaluate the following expressions. Record your work and answers on our answer sheet.

Write a MATH++ program for: 12 ÷ (7 – 1)

Write a MATH++ program for: 12 ÷ (7 – 1)

Write a MATH++ program for: (4 × 4 + 3 + 6) × 10

Write a MATH++ program for: (4 × 4 + 3 + 6) × 10

Write a MATH++ program for: 40 – 10 × 3 + 4

Write a MATH++ program for: 40 – 10 × 3 + 4

Write a MATH++ program for: 15 + (20 ÷ 4)3

Write a MATH++ program for: 15 + (20 ÷ 4)3

For the expression 100 ÷ (1 + 3 × 3), a student writes this program in MATH++:

For the expression 100 ÷ (1 + 3 × 3), a student writes this program in MATH++:

SUM+ (1, 3)

MULx (RES#, 3)

DIV/ (100, RES#)


SUM+ (1, 3)

MULx (RES#, 3)

DIV/ (100, RES#)


Is their program correct? If not, find their error and debug, or fix, the program.

Is their program correct? If not, find their error and debug, or fix, the program.

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