Read through the introduction and the example of the “Finding a Percent” box on page 5. For Step 1, have students think-pair-share about how to find the number of seconds in 4 minutes and 10 seconds. After reviewing each step, have a few volunteers restate how to calculate percents in their own words. Then complete question 2 from the “Your Turn” section as a group. Ask:
• Which of the numbers in the word problem is the whole? How do you know? (3 minutes and 46 seconds; it is the length of the full song.)
• How can you convert this length of time into seconds? (3 minutes × 60 seconds / 1 minute = 180 seconds, 180 seconds + 46 seconds = 226 seconds)
• Which of the numbers is the part? (15 seconds)
• Which of the numbers should you not use in your calculations? Why? (2.1 million; this number has to do with the number of videos using the song, not with the song or TikTok length.)