CCSS: 6.EE.A.2.C, 7.EE.B.3, MP1, MP6

TEKS: 6.3D, 6.7D, 7.3A, 7.3B

By the Numbers: Marie Curie

Granger, NYC/The Granger Collection

This month marks the 150th birthday of the world’s most famous female scientist! Marie Curie discovered radioactivity, the breakdown of certain types of atoms. Curie became a professor, a Nobel Prize winner, and a leader in her field at a time when women couldn’t attend most universities.

Curie also worked to incorporate her research, like radiation therapy and X-rays, into medicine. Her lab, created in 1909 in Paris, France, became one of the world’s leading cancer research centers. It is now named the Curie Institute in her honor.

Read on to learn some more facts about Marie Curie. Then plug in the numbers to solve the equation below and reveal a final fact.

National Archives and Records Administration/Science Photo Library
© Paul De Bondt (Curite); Rob Lavinsky/ (Sklodowskite, Cuprosklodowskite)
Paramonov Alexander/
© Bayard Presse – Images Doc N°299 - Illustration: Strickler Benjamin - 2013