CCSS: 6.EE.B.6, MP7, MP8

TEKS: 6.6A, 7.4C, 8.5A

Extreme Science

Take a tour of the highest, hottest, coldest, and largest labs on Earth

Photo by julius228

Instruments at an altitude of 16,597 feet monitor the climate. They sit just 97 feet up the hill from the main Pyramid Laboratory building.


Marc Bruxelle/Alamy Stock Photo

Every year hikers swarm to Mount Everest looking to scale the world’s tallest mountain. But atmospheric and environmental scientists can also be spotted on the mountain’s trails. Their destination? A futuristic-looking glass building known as “the Pyramid.” Perched 16,500 feet up the 29,029-foot-tall mountain, it’s a great place to study the unpolluted atmosphere and to learn how climate change is affecting high-altitude environments.

As many as 20 scientists sleep and work in the Pyramid, which was built in 1990. Surrounding the building are many different types of instruments. They are constantly measuring air pressure, temperature, and the composition of gases and particles in the air. This data has shown that even Mount Everest gets smothered with soot each spring.

Curved Light USA/Alamy Stock Photo

The lava in Kilauea’s caldera is a scorching 2,000°F.


You might think it’s a bad idea to build a lab next to the world’s most active volcano. But the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) is on the rim of the caldera, or crater, of Mount Kilauea in Hawaii. Geologist Matt Patrick can see a pool of lava from his office window. “You could throw a stone over the edge of the caldera,” he says.

It sounds dangerous, but the HVO is actually in the best spot to monitor the volcano. That’s because Kilauea’s main activity is from lava flows. Unlike volcanic explosions, which shoot lava, ash, and rock into the air, a lava flow oozes from a volcano and flows down the mountain like honey. Since the observatory is on higher ground, it’s safe.

Anything downhill, however, is at risk, and it’s the job of HVO geologists to track the scorching lava’s movements and alert the residents in its path. Being so close to the source enables Patrick and his colleagues to get the most up-to-date information possible. And they are in the perfect spot to study the volcano when it’s quiet. 

Courtesy of Keith Vanderlinde

The average winter temperature at the South Pole is –70°F.


The South Pole is the driest and coldest place on Earth—which makes it a perfect place to put a telescope. That’s because moisture and heat in the atmosphere interfere with a telescope’s ability to collect precise data. 

Such a frigid location is especially important when studying cosmic background radiation. This is the radiation left over from the early days of the universe, and its signal is very faint.

“You’re taking a snapshot of what the universe was like just a few hundred years after the Big Bang, when it was still young and hot,” says Erik Shirokoff, a professor of astronomy at the University of Chicago. 


Luca Locatelli/INSTITUTE

CERN covers 125 acres in France and 250 acres in Switzerland. The particle accelerator has a circumference of 17 miles. 

Physics graduate student Laura Dodd drives 35 minutes to get from her office in Geneva, Switzerland, to the site of her experiment in France. But both places are part of the same massive lab: CERN. This center for nuclear physics is the largest science facility ever built.

It’s home to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which is the largest particle accelerator in the world. This machine sends beams of protons (positively charged particles in an atom) and ions (charged atoms) zooming around the circular tunnel in opposite directions to gain speeds almost as fast as the speed of light. When the beams finally slam into each other, they explode into subatomic particles—the building blocks of matter. This gives a glimpse of what our early universe looked like.

“Physics demands that we have such a large machine,” explains Dodd. That’s because it takes a lot of space to accelerate particles and keep them whipping through the tunnels at such high speeds. 

Use this method to write and evaluate expressions based on the information in the charts.

As you ascend a tall peak like Mount Everest, oxygen levels in the air decrease. That’s why you must space out days of rest along your route to get used to the thinner air. The chart shows how many days of rest you’d need after hiking to certain altitudes. Write an expression in the chart for how many days of rest you’d need after reaching t feet in altitude. 

If you were to hike from sea level to the Pyramid at 16,500 feet, how many days of rest would you need?

The chart shows how many yards a Kilauea lava flow traveled per hour in 2014. Write an expression for how far the lava traveled in h hours. 

How far did the lava travel in 24 hours?

The telescope collects data in chunks called observational fields. Write an expression for how long it would take to observe f fields.

How long would it take to observe 8 fields?

The LHC produces a lot of data! The chart shows how much data an experiment called ATLAS collects. Write an expression for how much data is collected in s seconds. 

How much data does ATLAS collect in 120 seconds?

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