Explaining Our Skills Sheets
Explaining Our Skills Sheets
Your subscription to Scholastic MATH comes with hundreds of teaching resources, including skill-building activity sheets. These skills sheets help you assess conceptual understanding and build fluency with standards-based problem sets. You can see a full listing of skills sheets in the Digital Resource Guide, including which articles each sheet supplements and which standards they support.
Here’s where you can download all skills sheets for the entire issue:

Types of Skills Sheets:
Types of Skills Sheets:
Core Skills
Core Skills
Each issue of Scholastic MATH includes Core Skills sheets. These skill-building activities complement a feature from the magazine. They expand upon the math skills highlighted in the article by diving into a related core math concept.
To access our full archive of scaffolded skills sheets, visit our Core Skills Library.
+5 Questions
+5 Questions
These skill-building activities are designed to accompany a feature from the issue. They include an additional five questions for students to continue building fluency in the math skills taught in the article.
Problem of the Day
Problem of the Day
Each issue of Scholastic MATH includes a Problem of the Day skills sheet with 20 warm-up math problems. They are designed so that you have one problem for each day of the month. These questions allow your students to practice problem solving using a variety of skills, including those taught in that month’s issue.

These math and literacy skills sheets include blank circle graphs, fraction models, graphic organizers, and more to support your teaching efforts and save time.